Bloggers‘ Quilt Festival – and A Story About Time

Veröffentlicht in: Lieseln, Quilt | 48

Bloggers‘ Quilt Festival! And I do take part, yeah! That’s not obvious: I wanted to take part with this quilt also the last festival time in autumn. But this quilt was finished just now! And I did take the opportunity to finish it now because of the festival. And if I say now I mean just now. The quilt was finished yesterday, but the sun set before I could take pictures (spending late afternoon/evening with my family in a nice restaurant, enjoying italian pasta and a glas of red wine). Today it is sunny with strong wind, but this are the best pictures I was able to take, loosing some of the quilt’s colors to the bright sun light.
Oh, you wanted to hear something about the quilt?!

the center with a big blue star

It is about 215 x 150 cm (85 x 60″) and completely handsewn. I call it „Astralleibchen“, what came out while playing with german words, including something like „Stars“, as this pattern makes me think of the univers, a swirl of color, something beyond time and space, and including an old word for camisole and also including something like astral body, what ever that may be… Playing on words, like I like it so much.

But to tell it from start to finish . . . .

fresh new fabric next to antique (white/orange on dark brown)

This quilt is handsewn, worked in Liesel’s Hexagon Technique. I started this Liesel-project enthusiastically, let’s see . . . , in summer 2009. The kite shaped pieces are sewn over paper pieces (lieseled). The longer edges of the kites are 2″ wide. They fit together without further shapes, building up a kaleidoskop pattern. It must be a traditional one, but I first spotted it in a book of Material Obsession.

my favorite block – the center is made of one larger hexagon instead of six kites

It was a nice vacation project for a small bag, every block was prepared as a nice pile of cut pieces. I just had to take some paper pieces with me, some clips and yarn. All of the stars were sewn very fast. They are joined with incredibly large triangles: 8″ edges. That’s usually a bit large for sewing over paper pieces, but works quite well. The top was finished at top speed, in a happy rush and swirl of color. In 2009. Three month in total, stitching now and then in happy spare time. A part of it is stichted in a summer vacation at the North Sea, sitting outside (or inside the cozy appartment) and stitching colored pieces to a joyful mosaic.
[a small insight into the technique „lieseling“ may be found in my post here, although this kite project with just one shape, as shown here, is much easier to sew]

The top was finished (posted in March 2010), and after a half year of maturing the three layers of the quilt were basted. I used a bamboo batting – really nice!

Can you spot the large quilted crown…?

Then the quilting started – I love quilting with perl cotton No. 8. But it was like rush and stop. Rush and stop. So this quilt was piled in my workroom for two years, although I like it sooo much! I wanted it to be finished! But I quilted and stopped, busy with different things.

I wanted to show it last autumn. But the quilting wasn’t finished, a-ha! I started again in winter (but indeed quilted another, urgend birthday quilt). When seeing the announcement for the Spring Festival, I was determined: That was my chance!

So. Now. It. Is. Finished!!!

I really love this quilt. It is snuggly and cozy and colorful, joyful, totally handmade. And counting just the hours I did work on it, oooh, it was done in a jiffy! In a joyful jiffy. So loveable.
Thank you, Amy, for giving the opportunity to take part in the festival, and Hello! to all you girls coming around from the festival-site!



48 Antworten

  1. Glory

    Auf der Suche nach Inspiration bin ich grade auf deinen Quilt gestossen. Ich habe über 2 Jahren Stich für Stich dieses “ astralleibchen“ Top gepatcht. Kudos für deine Rekordzeit. Ich überlege nun mit welchem Muster ich quilten soll. Wie hast du es gemacht? Leider kann ich es auf den Bildern nicht so recht sehen. Falls ich hier nicht nach Betriebsgeheimnissen frage würde ich mich über eine Antwort sehr freuen.

  2. Kristen

    Oh Hilde! This is spectacular. Really, that’s the only word that even comes close. I am awestruck. 🙂

  3. Cynthia

    This is indeed a joyful quilt – it is beautiful and I really enjoyed the story of its creation.

  4. Misha

    such a beautiful quilt, love the close up pictures that show off the great fabrics, too. love it!!

  5. Marie

    Oh. My. Goodness! This is beautiful Hilde – what a wonderful collection of fabrics. Absolutely gorgeous!!!

  6. Sandy

    Gorgeous quilt! It has the watercolor effect with colors and floral blending together into one beautiful quilt.

  7. Elisabeth

    Ich kann mich nur anschießen: Wunderschöner Quilt!
    Grüße aus Wien Elisabeth

  8. Rita

    Der Quilt ist eine Augenweide und einfach nur WUNDERVOLL!!!!
    Das Buch habe ich auch, ach, sooo viele schöne Sachen darin;))
    Wünsch Dir ganz viel Freude mit dem Prachtsteil!
    Herzlich, Rita

  9. Queenie

    Beautiful quilt!!! The design and colors are amazing. The attention to detail is brilliant. Awesome!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  10. Simone

    das ist einer der schönsten Quilts, die ich je gesehen habe. Mir gefallen die Farben, die Muster, die ganze Handnäharbeit, und überhaupt harmoniert alles einfach perfekt!
    Viele Grüße,

  11. Margit Tiefel

    Liebe Handnäherinnen,
    huch was habe ich jetzt entdeckt! Die Decke inspiriert mich schon wieder für ein Projekt, kaum als ich sie entdeckt hatte.
    Zwar würde ich die Farben anders verteilen und bei mir würden die Kontraste hell und dunkel wahrscheinlich etwas besser herausstechen, aber die Idee mit den Sternen finde ich recht gut.
    Bei so einem Wettbewerb würde ich auch gerne mit machen. Dieses Datum kann ich sehr gut merken da am 18.05.12 meine große Tochter geheiratet hat.
    Weiß schon jemand wann der nächste Wettbewerb statt findet?
    Ich wünsche Euch allen recht gute Ideen!
    Herzliche Grüße
    Margit Tiefel

    • ildicolor

      Liebe Margit,
      dieses „Festival“ findet zweimal im Jahr statt, im Frühling und Herbst. Es ist kein Wettbewerb, sondern einfach eine riesige Show! Klickt mal den Festival-Link oben im Artikel an, und hinter jedem briefmarkengroßen Quiltbildchen dort verbirgt sich ein Quilt samt Geschichte dazu.
      Fantastisch zum Stöbern und Staunen!
      Mitmachen darf jede, die einen Quilt von sich zeigen möchte (und einen blog hat, sonst geht es glaub ich nicht).
      Liebe Grüße! Hilde

  12. Sandra

    Great job, love the stars within the stars design and the fabulous individual stars.

    Come see my entries 64 (repro. applique) and 85 (antique appliques).

  13. eileen

    just love your quilt. ist so schoen!! great fabrics and colors. thanks for sharing and have a great day

  14. Marg

    It is absolutely beautiful, I love your fabric choices. Stunning!

  15. Janet

    Very colourful and very beautiful! I love it. Congratulations on a totally hand made quilt.

  16. sewfrench

    Beautiful fabrics! Sometimes a quilt without solids is hard to pull off, but not this one, it’s gorgeous!
    Love that it is hand sewn. We are few and far between!

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